It's a pleasure to meet you!
I’m Danny Ozment — marketing consultant, brand strategist, and podcast producer.

Her APGAR score was 1
The day my daughter was born, my life changed forever. A lot of parents will

I built a dream home with a $150k recording studio and then decided to move
Two years after building a dream home with a $150,000 recording studio attached to it,

How Podcasts Improve Customer Service and Customer Experience
Chances are you already listen to podcasts? You listen to them while you’re getting ready

2020 Covid-19 Coronavirus Resources for Navigating Life and Business
Latest News (delivered by virus experts): This Week in Virology – http://www.microbe.tv/twiv/ Tools: Priority VA

My goal as a speaker is to equip and inspire your audience with practical, actionable steps in podcasting, marketing, and branding.
As a professional communicator, I understand the important role speakers play in the success of

Coaching Sessions available
Borrow My Brain Need help or guidance with a particular issue? – Struggling with

Five Pillars of a Great Customer Experience
I recently went to a restaurant to order take-out. The hostess turned out to be

Thick Skin is Important
The human body is incredible in its design. If you take any inanimate object or

Failure – The backdoor to success
Nobody likes to fail. I don’t like to fail. Yet, I’m hard-pressed to think of

What’s working right now?
I’m doing an info-only webinar 3 times over the next couple of weeks. I’m calling

10 Ways to Boost Your Creativity
How many of you are sitting here right now, and you don’t have a topic

Executives and Leaders Should Be Podcasting. Here’s Why.
Recently on my podcast I did a series on why executives and leaders should be

The Power of Words
You may be familiar with the childhood rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break my bones,

7 Great Reasons to Give to Charity
Depending where you are in the development of your business, you may or may not

Can’t See the Forest for the Trees? The Dangers of Proximity Blindness
Have you ever heard the phrase “you can’t see the forest for the trees?” Well

The Cure for Procrastination
I have been a serial procrastinator since middle school. BUt it wasn’t until I found

Aim for Progress, Not Perfection
In her book Lean In: Women, Work and the Will To Succeed, Sheryl Sandburg shares

Podcast Supercharger FAQ
Here are some frequently asked questions I get about podcast supercharger. #1. “Is this program

Podcast Strategies for Realtors and Lawyers
Today we’re going to talk about ways that Lawyers and Realtors can use a podcast